The Grant MacEwan University Faculty Association (GMUFA) is here to negotiate the terms and conditions of employment for our members and to ensure the application and interpretation of the Collective Agreement.
The GMUFA has 984 members. This comprises of:
409 Tenured and Tenure-Track Members
Professorial Ranks
Professional Resource Faculty
ESL/PUC Instructors
Instructional Assistant
Science Lab Instructors/Supervisors
69 Full-time Contract
Nurse Educators
Full-Time Limited-Term
506 Sessional Members
Our members take on many different roles here at Grant MacEwan and this includes:
All instructors of credit courses, including in the baccalaureate, diploma, certificate, applied degree, English as a second language and preparation for university and college programs
Writing and Learning Consultants
Learning skills specialists
Science Lab Supervisors and Instructors
Faculty/School Advisors
Instructional Assistants
Nurse Educators
Department Chairs