Our Mission
Inspiring opportunity, connection, and innovation.
Our Vision
The Grand Rapids Public Library is key to a dynamic, creative, livable city where people come together to learn and be heard.
Our Values
-Inclusion: We model respect and embrace difference. We are a welcoming place for all.
-Collaboration: We seek partnerships and build strong teams. We co-create with
our community.
-Access: We are flexible, transparent, and trusted. We provide equal access to information, programs, and services.
-Excellence: We put people first. We provide exceptional experiences and hold ourselves to the highest standards. We are empathetic and responsive.
-Learning: We embrace life-long learning. We support literacy, curiosity, and cultural enrichment. We uphold everyone’s right to privacy, to seek information, and to voice diverse points of view.
-Sustainability: We make strategic decisions with intentionality for a strong present
and future library.
-Innovation: We take risks, we fail forward, we seek feedback, we create, and we discover. We embrace change.