The Graduate Management Consulting Association (GMCA) is a student society representing graduate students at various universities who are pursuing a future career in management consulting.
We have developed a comprehensive program for preparation of graduate students for career in management consulting.
Networking Nights
Join the GMCA’s networking nights to meet peers, recent graduates and, most importantly, Consultants. Networking is a key skill for any career. Let the GMCA help you refine your networking skills and put you in front of consultants and recruiters from a variety of consulting firms.
Master Case Interview Series (MCIS)
The MCIS is a program that runs twice weekly for several weeks, to teach prospective first years about the case interview process. Learn from consultants about the inner workings of the case interview.
Beginners’ Case Competition
You’re hooked on the world of consulting and now, you need to prepare. Case competitions seems a little daunting at this point, but you know you need to dive in. It is for this reason that the GMCA has created the Beginners’ Case Competition. Get introduced into this competitive world while competing against other individuals at the same stage. Go through the steps while gaining constructive criticism from seasoned competitors and leave ready to tackle the next competition.
Business Fundamentals Program (Mini-MBA)
In 5 short weeks, learn all of the MBA lessons from Rotman professors. Each class is one hour of lecture and one hour of hands on activities. Conclude the class with a case competition to put into action all of the lessons that you learned throughout. A must for all future first years.
Annual Management Consulting Conference
Join us each spring for our week-long consulting conference. Learn about consulting from industry professionals, gain insight into a killer resume from distinguished recruiters and compete for the championship title in the Case Competition.