Good Soldier Films is a Film and Television production company created by Executive Producer / Producer Brigitte Kingsley and Writer / Director Andrew Cymek. Kingsley has produced 4 Feature Films and 2 Television series including the "Dark Rising" Franchise created by Cymek (Dark Rising, DR2: Summer Strikes Back!, The Savage Tales of Summer Vale, Warrior of Worlds). The Franchise has been nominated for 8 Canadian Comedy Awards, stars top Canadian Talent including Colin Mochrie, Peter Outerbridge, Scott Thompson, Jay "Christian" Reso and has been distributed around the world by top distributors including Vivendi, E1, MarVista and Cinemavault. Good Soldier Films is currently in development on 2 feature films and in post-production on the feature documentary "BLES the Elephants" about bringing awareness to Elephant abuse in Thailand.