For individuals and small business, multiple users and teams, GoldMail Audioslideshow Messaging is cutting edge business technology proven to help sell more and save time. Enhance your brand's image and value, elevate your sales and marketing campaigns with GoldMail
With GoldMail you create personal and powerful messages in just minutes by recording your voice over slides you make from web and other program content, presentations, PDFs or image files. Then send your message as a link in an email or post it online. They click the link and your message plays. They see your slides and hear your voice - just the way you recorded it.
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
2030 Harrison Street
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94110, US
Audio slideshow creationVoice recording integrationSlide presentation developmentLink-based communication tools
Audioslideshow MessagingPersonal and powerful messagesVoice recordings over slidesLink-based message sharing