Goa Streets is India's smartest and hippest News & Entertainment review, telling you everything there is to do, see and eat in Goa each week and providing world-class journalism. In both our print and online editions, we feature comprehensive party/event/food/nightlife listings, enabling both Goans and visitors to Goa not to miss out on any noteworthy event or venue. In addition, we feature fun-to-read, in-depth articles on everything from music to politics to art to lifestyle. The review is shepherded by Steven Gutkin, who served as a newsman, bureau chief, war correspondent and senior editor for over two decades around the world, including Venezuela, Colombia, Singapore, Indonesia and Israel - in addition stints in Iraq and Afghanistan. Goa Streets has a strong presence throughout Goa, in news stands, book stores, cafes, restaurants, bars, salons and many homes and businesses throughout the state. Our online version reaches many thousands of people throughout Goa, India and the world. Our readers include all those who are looking for ways to spend their time in Goa - whether it be for adventure sports, shopping, museums, clubs or culinary pursuits. Plus all those who appreciate a truly good read. Our content is cutting edge, sassy, intelligent and delivered with a bit of attitude.