Gnosiis International is an economics and communications firm focused on the USA. The firms provides support to founders and entrepreneurs relating to economics and strategic project management for high-growth ventures in the areas of manufacturing/distribution and real estate development. Public/Emerging-Growth & Jobs Act specialties. CFO and advisory available to angel or institutional-funded companies. Go-to market including management of consortium building, marketing, branding, public and investor relations, deal structure and task management responsibilities.
EconomicsStrategic project managementHigh-growth venture supportManufacturing/distributionReal estate developmentPublic/Emerging-Growth & Jobs Act specialtiesCFO servicesAdvisory servicesAngel or institutional-funded company support
Strategic project managementManagement of consortium buildingMarketingBrandingPublic and investor relationsDeal structureTask management
Strategic PartnershipsMarketingCapital MarketsEndorsementsBrandingBrand IntegratioFilm FinanceCampaign AccountabilityVenture CapitalSponsorships