GlassUp is an Italian start-up founded in 2012 thanks to the enthusiasm and passion of its founders for the technology and the man-machine interaction combined with a deep experience in optical systems engineering.
Since its birth, the company has been developing augmented reality eyewear with two clear goals in mind: freeing average mobile users from the constant need of checking their smartphone screens and enhancing factories work experience. To do this, GlassUp created two separate lines: UNO daily use smartglasses, and F4, augmented reality safety glasses for tomorrow workers.
Since February 2017, GlassUp has strongly oriented its focus to the B2B world with the launch on the market of GlassUp F4, or a smart safety mask for displaying texts, videos, and color images. The advantage of GlassUp is that the client company is supplied with a complete hardware + software package and related assistance service. The main cases of enterprise use are: teleservice, maintenance support, quality control, on the Job training and logistics. Get more insights writing at: