Glasgow's Regeneration Agency (GRA) is now known as Jobs & Business Glasgow.
The organisation's name and brand now aligns with its new economic development strategy to develop Glasgow's jobs, skills and businesses across the city.
Before 2011, five separate regeneration agencies across the city were tasked with getting Glasgow residents "job ready". During the last two years of transition to the single organisation, GRA resisted carrying out a corporate rebranding exercise and continued to operate under the identity of the five multiple organisations.
However, following a review of operations which included extensive consultations with users and stakeholders, it became clear that a name change and rebranding process was vital. The review found that continuing to operate as five separate GRA agencies had led to confusing messages across the city with distorted communications and a weakened association to the agency's brand.
Jobs & Business Glasgow will provide support to help residents increase their skills, enhance their chances of getting a job and realise their business potential. For further information please check: