Founded at the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865, the Glasgow Daily Times counts itself as our community’s oldest continually operated business. 40 newspapers have been published in Glasgow, dating back to 1814 when the Patriot, Glasgow’s first newspaper, was introduced to this new community on the western frontier of America.
The merger of the Glasgow Times and the Evening Journal brought about daily publication in 1953 as the Glasgow Daily Times.
The newspaper is published five days each week, Tuesday through Saturday.
The offices of the newspaper are at 100 Commerce Drive in Glasgow.
The Daily Times is owned by Community Newspaper Holdings Inc., which is one of the leading publishers of local news and information in the United States.
Founded in 1997, CNHI's newspapers, Web sites and niche publications serve more than 130 communities throughout the United States.
CNHI publications strive to be leading providers of local news and information in their communities. CNHI values excellence, integrity, respect for employees and a customer focus in all of its operations.
CNHI is a privately owned company based in Montgomery, AL.