Givology partners with leading grassroots non-profit organizations, local communities, and schools to sponsor education grants and innovative community-based education projects. Through our website, you can support these initiatives and scholarships.
After browsing through student and project profiles online, you can donate as little or as much as you like - as often as you like. No more monthly pledges, donation minimums, or check-writing hassles. Once a student or project is fully-funded, Givology transfers the funds to our field partners, who use the money for the indicated cause. You can also learn more about key issues in rural education by reading the blog posts of our fellows and staff.
What truly distinguishes Givology is our philosophy of building lasting sponsor-student relationships and cross-cultural communication. Through our messaging and blogging system, you can send messages to a student, as well as receive updates on their progress. Our partners visit currently funded students and projects on a regular basis and will deliver your messages. Each quarter or semester (often times more frequent), student letters, progress updates, and academic documentation are all posted on Givology to allow you to track the impact that you have made in the lives of an individual or a community.
Givology makes giving easy, transparent, and rewarding.