Girls Inc. of the Island City (GIIC) is an award-winning after-school program that serves an ethnically and economically diverse population of girls, ages 6-18.
GIIC’s mission is to inspire all girls to be strong (healthy), smart (educated), and bold (independent) through innovative programs, activities, and advocacy. We are an affiliate of Girls Inc., a national, nonprofit organization.
Since 1964, we have empowered more than 30,000 girls in the city of Alameda to realize their potential as fearless, goal-oriented young women. Our research-based programming focuses on the development of the whole girl.
Trained staff and volunteers build lasting, mentoring relationships in girls-only spaces that are physically and emotionally safe. Girls find a sisterhood of support with shared drive, mutual respect, and high expectations to help realize successful frameworks for their futures.
GIIC provides over 600 girls annually with comprehensive programming in the following areas: Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM); reading, writing, and economic literacy; art, music, and drama; nutritional, physical, social and emotional health and wellness; college, vocational education, and career preparation; positive image and identity; and leadership and life skills.
GIIC alumnae go on to become savvy professionals, thoughtful leaders, and caring community advocates.
We make a difference: 100% of GIIC members graduate from high school. 90% of GIIC members attend a two- or four-year college or vocational school.
We also provide licensed childcare for boys and girls for kindergarten-fifth grade at five Alameda Public Schools. This service is called Alameda Island Kids.