Get Them Back

Professional Training and Coaching · 2 Employees
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Are you a parent going through a divorce or the aftermath of a custody battle and your child is angry and being turned against you? If you can feel them slipping away you have to act fast because this is the most emotionally traumatizing time for them - and if they blame you, you could lose them forever. 🎥 WATCH A FREE TRAINING VIDEO 👉 ✅ We help parents in over 25 countries navigate through this critical time by showing them exactly what to say and do to maximize every moment to save the relationship. 💔 WE CAN HELP IF YOUR CHILD IS …Blaming you for every bad thing that is happening in their life. …Being shown court documents and details to hurt you. …Accusing you of abandoning them, taking all the money, and leaving them homeless. …Made to believe false stories and lies about you. …Acting out with aggression, name-calling, swearing, and throwing destructive tantrums. …Denigrating anything you do or offer as stupid and worthless. …Rejecting your gifts, phone calls, texts, or other communications. …Refusing to show up for parenting time (or making the time miserable.) …Pushing you and your family away. (Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends) …Holding you hostage with demands and ultimatums. ……Parroting the nasty words of your ex (and thinking they are their own beliefs.) As a formerly alienated child who lost decades with my Dad. I use my real-life experiences to understand exactly what's going on inside your child's mind, how to predict what they really need, and how to persuade them to think differently. So, ✍🏻 APPLY TO WORK WITH US TODAY ✍🏻 so we can understand your specific situation, what you’re dealing with, provide our perspective and share recommended next steps to help you. Apply here… APPLY NOW:
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Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, US
  • Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, US

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