LEARNING for EVERYONE by EVERYONE! Get Me A Course is the world's largest aggregator for global learning courses. It is a platform that helps global learners finding courses that best serves their needs. 300,000+ courses from 7000+ global providers! Get Me A Course is a data-driven product, focusing on helping individuals get their ideal courses and making learning easy.
It enables global learners who want to upskill and gain knowledge on specific topics or subjects by helping them navigate through multiple options at once by bringing together a vast amount of different courses available worldwide.
The product specialises in recommending the most relevant courses and jobs to learners and connects them to qualified and experienced mentors. The flagship offering is an AI-driven Career Path Recommendation Engine, that helps individuals first identify their current standing with respect to skills and pay scale. It then outlines the succeeding levels of their career ladder, along with the expected pay range, required skill sets and suggestions of top courses. From courses (paid & free), jobs, mentors, podcasts, webinars, events it aggregates everything on a single window.
For trainers, Get Me A Course solves the ‘Discovery Problem’: where top trainers struggle to make themselves visible and reach students. We remove the chance factor from learning.