Geotechnical & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (GEC) is an engineering consulting firm with offices in Macon, Columbus, LaGrange, and Atlanta, Georgia. GEC provides consulting in three key areas: Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Construction Quality Control Testing.
Services Lines
Geotechncial Engineering and Drilling Services:
Subsurface Evaluation, Foundation Evaluation, Soil Test Auger Borings
Monitoring Well Installation, Hydrometer Sampling, Pile Load Testing, Pile Installation Monitoring, Site Seismic Analysis
Environmental Engineering Services:
Environmental Site Assessments, HSRA Evaluation, Underground Storage Tank Consulting, Soil and Groundwater Monitoring and Testing, Asbestos Inspection and Testing, Lead Based Paint Inspection and Testing, Wetlands Delineation, On-Site Septic Application Soil Survey, Health and Safety Plan Preparation/Implementation, Regulatory Compliance, Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plans
Construction Services:
QA/QC Field Testing, Materials Testing and Inspection, Deep Foundation Monitoring and Inspection, Floor Flatness Testing, Concrete Mix Design and Verification, NPDES Design, Inspection and Monitoring.