Geotechnical Consulting Group

Geotechnical Consulting Group specializes in Civil Engineering with 11 employees
Phone Number: 4402075818348
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About Geotechnical Consulting Group
GCG is one of world’s leading geotechnical consultancy and engineering firms. We have established a reputation for developing innovative geotechnical solutions to technically demanding engineering problems. Our talented team draws on the latest developments in engineering theory, research and practice from around the world in providing innovative solutions to our client’s engineering problems. GCG was founded in 1983 by Professor Lord Robert Mair, Professor David Hight and the late Professor Peter Vaughan to provide geotechnical consulting services employing state-of-the-art research and developments in our understanding of soils and rock. We are an independent specialist business providing expert geotechnical consultancy advice to a wide range of clients including consultants, contractors, government departments and agencies, private and public companies, legal practices and research organisations. Our team includes pioneers within the geotechnical community giving many prestigious named lectures including 8 Rankine, 1 Glossop, 5 Geotechnique and 2 Harding and 1 Terzaghi lectures. Eight members of the GCG team are Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering. Members of GCG have published hundreds of technical papers and major state-of-the-art reviews. GCG are members of the British Tunnelling Society (BTS), British Geotechnical Association (BGA), Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS) and core members of the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA). Our Staff and Associates regularly participate in workshops and are actively involved in developing industry best practice guidance for geotechnical issues. GCG maintains strong links with world-class universities (notably with Imperial College, Cambridge, City, Oxford, Dundee, Barcelona, Kobe, Cornell and Berkeley Universities) to enable early implementation of state-of-the-art research and development into engineering practice.
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Civil Engineering
HQ Location
52A Cromwell Rd London, SW7 5BE, GB
Geotechnical EngineeringSite characterisationExpert witnessCategory III checkingNumerical analysisOffshore geotechnicsTunnelingDams and embankmentsFoundation designSlope design and stabilisation
Geotechnical Consulting Group Location
  • 52A Cromwell Rd London, SW7 5BE, GB

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Geotechnical Consulting Group specializes in the Civil Engineering field