GLIP (Georgian Lawyers for Independent Professions) is a non-profit organization, which is involved in enhancing the legal education and qualification of lawyers in Georgia, deeply understanding the role of the lawyer in society and the justice system, and promoting the development of the lawyer's functions, as well as the professional independence of the lawyer.
Georgian Lawyers for Independent Professions' main scope of activities are:
* Planning and implementation of educational events;
* Establishment of legal culture and justice in the society;
* Supporting the legal science and legal education system;
* Forming an independent and competent public opinion on human rights;
* Supporting and assisting lawyers in performing their activities;
* Promoting the protection of the rights of lawyers, professional freedom, interests and independence;
* Ensuring non-interference in advocacy activities;
* Create a strong corps of independent lawyers;
* Active participation in law-making activities, generalization of court practice, and implementation of legal projects.