In 2008, GeoSierra Environmental purchased the assets of GeoSierra, Inc., a leader and innovator in the field of trenchless PRB construction for 15 years prior. As with it's predecessor, GeoSierra Environmental installs PRB walls throughout the United States for Fortune 500 Clients, National Consulting Firms, and Government Entities. Since it's inception, the firm not only installs conventional iron filings PRBs but has also expanded it's capabilities to use it's trenchless techniques to install permeabiliy enhancement media via hydraulic fracturing techniques, installation of oxidants and reductants, as well as LNAPL recovery wells that have the ability to capture orders of magnitude more product per well bore.
Environmental Services
HQ Location
220 Rt 70 East
Medford, New Jersey 08055, US
Trenchless PRB constructionPermeability enhancementHydraulic fracturingLNAPL recovery
PRB walls installationTrenchless construction techniquesPermeability enhancement media installationHydraulic fracturing techniquesOxidants and reductants installationLNAPL recovery wells
Installation of Permeable Reactive BarriersHydraulic Fracturing of Unconsolidated SedimentsEnhancement of LNAPL Recovery SystemsDispersement of Oxidants in the Subsurface