Created in 2001, GenoScreen is an innovative company specialized in the field of genomics. Using cutting-edge technologies, it analyzes and interprets information encoded in DNA to provide tailored solutions for healthcare, environment, agronomy & agriculture, agri-food, skincare, etc.
Unlock the power of DNA:
• Services in molecular biology analyses (DNA sequencing, genotyping, detection of gene mutation, metagenomics analysis in complex environment…)
• Targeted deep sequencing-based kits for culture-free microbial diagnosis
• Expertise and consultancy services for companies which develop projects in genomics
GenoScreen also proposes custom-made trainings to people wishing to learn or improve their level about genomic analyses.
About GenoScreen:
• More than 20 years of expertise in genomics
• 40 employees, 25% are PhD
• 30% of turnover reinvested in R&D
• 50 countries and more represented by our customers
• 400 active clients
• ISO certifications: ISO13485 & ISO9001
Biotechnology Research, Scientific research equipment, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments, Precision Equipment, Scientific research centres and laboratories, Medical and pharmaceutical research, Research and testing, IT, Internet, R&D, Medical technology research and development, Biotechnology consultants
HQ Location
1 rue du Professeur Calmette
Lille, 59000, FR
bioinformaticsbiotechnologyDNA sequencingand microbiomes studies