Meeting today’s time and cost pressures is an ever present challenge for all involved in evaluating drilling new wells, be they engineers, project managers or financial planners.
Faced with increasing complexity and rapidly escalating costs, more engineers are realising they can make quicker, less risky decisions when planning new wells if they are easily able to analyse historical well drilling information. The problem is that this data is often not easily accessible in integrated form.
Genesis has the know-how to enhance your ability to utilise, analyse and organise your historical drilling data. It will harness this invaluable asset in generating the best possible plan for drilling your next wells – a plan based on more reliable statistical forecasts of well time and costs.
Genesis can also monitor drilling performance through accurate follow-up of the plan, allowing you to fully optimise operational time. You’ll be able to improve performance through access to precise data measurement and interpretation. With Genesis you won’t just know where you’ve been – you’ll also know how to get to where you want to be.