Established in 1991, Gedik Investment is one of the leading investment banking advisory and brokerage firms in Turkey, providing research and brokerage services to domestic and foreign clients. The company is a member of Borsa Istanbul (BIST) and is authorized by the Capital Markets Board (CMB). Today, it has the largest customer base of any non-bank local brokerage house, with around 58,000 clients and counting. Gedik Investment boasts a widespread distribution network, with 40 main branches spread across Turkey’s primary cities.
Gedik Investment remains a pioneer in the Turkish market, achieving a number of firsts. To name just a few, Gedik Investment was first to: use remote access API, access the Derivatives Exchange of Turkey (VOB), claim an option execution on VIOP, FIX access to the BIST’s equities and futures/options market (2014), and access the BIST CoLocation Facility (2014).
Gedik Investment is a listed entity on BIST, trading under the ticker symbol “GEDIK.” Gedik Investment and its subsidiaries have a Long-Term National Rating of ‘AA- (Trk)’ with a positive outlook.”