Gecko is the Gold Coast’s peak non-government not-for-profit environment group. Volunteers have been working to protect and enhance the natural environmental assets of our region since 1989.
Gecko's Vision
A vibrant Gold Coast community where people and animals, plants, water, air and earth all form a healthy, harmonious system.
Gecko's Mission Statement:
To actively promote, conserve and restore the natural environment and improve the sustainability of the built environment of the Gold Coast region in partnership with our member groups and the wider community.
Aims and Objectives
The objects for which the organisation is established aim:
To promote the conservation, protection and restoration of our world's environment along sound ecological principles
To protect and preserve ecological sustainability and encourage this as a goal for all facets of society
To educate and inform all sections of our community in the values of conservation, preservation and protection of our environment
To encourage and promote personal, public and government care of the environment
To advocate by any peaceful means, any individual group, company of government to cease exploitative ecologically unsafe practices and to urgently seek, then implement alternatives
To support, cooperate and affiliate with organisations engaged in activities that support the Associations aims.