
Software Development · 11 Employees
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Meet, learn, train, and build like it matters. Gatheround is a hub for creating and hosting more engaging and effective online gatherings — from routine meetings to workshops and group learning sessions. Designed for how remote-first and flexible teams connect, learn, and innovate, we empower facilitators and participants alike to make the most of time spent together (apart). Beloved by teams at Target, Gusto, Calendly, Cisco, and more, Gatheround offers: ▪️ A state-of-the-art agenda builder to create your ideal session fast ▪️ Hundreds of curated activities and templates, based on how the best teams in the world do business ▪️ Core platform functionality designed to engage hearts and minds in big ideas, from dynamic video chat to Q&A and quizzing tools (and much more) ▪️ Over a dozen ways to participate, for all kinds of learners and thinkers ▪️ Stronger connections and social fabric from your very first session “Our first Gatheround was the breakthrough in remote culture we’ve spent years searching for. It felt like sitting around a campfire, talking, laughing, and bonding with friends — except in a 45-minute session.” Kevin Lee, Co-Founder, immi — We believe that the workforce has just barely begun to scratch the surface of what teams can accomplish with the right tools. Remote and flexible teams are more productive and more equitable — and when we break down silos, learn and align together, and get connected to do great work? The sky's the limit. Gatheround is on a mission to make sure every remote, distributed, and flexible team is unstoppable — starting with how we gather.
Year Founded
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Software Development
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Asia-Pacific (APAC)
  • Asia-Pacific (APAC)

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