Welcome to Game Plan Experts. We are a family-owned and Kansas-based disaster and emergency preparedness business.
When we first began talking about disaster preparedness, we were not prepared for the flood of information rippling through the internet. There was no shortage of scenarios, opinions and products. So we started out like most people with a passion: we bought stuff because it looked cool.
Unfortunately, we spent a lot of time and money trying to sift through all of the products and information only to end up with more questions than answers. We eventually realized that we needed a plan. After years of research and trial and error, we have been able to simplify the process for ourselves and our families. Now we would like to do the same for you.
Our Vision is to make emergency and disaster preparedness easy, accessible, and affordable.
Based on some basic demographic and geographical information, we can help you determine where to start, what you need, and how to prepare cost-effectively.
Game Plan Experts is for anyone that is concerned for the safety of his or her family!
HQ Location
13418 College Blvd.
Lenexa, KS 66210, US
Emergency planningDisaster preparednessCost-effective preparation strategies
Disaster and emergency preparedness servicesEmergency kitsPreparedness plans
Disaster PlanningEmergency PlanningSurvival GearDisaster RecoveryFirst AiMedical SuppliesPolice GearFireman GearPlanningEmergency Training