Video Mystery Shopping
The video mystery shopping techniques we've pioneered at GameFilm® have yielded many insights and revelations for our clients in the years since it was first launched. GameFilm® Consultants is the originator of reality-based video mystery shopping and video-based training for the business world. Since the early '90s, GameFilm® Consultants has successfully installed video mystery shopping and training programs into hundreds of businesses nationwide.
We provide GameFilm® video mystery shopping analysis, highlight reels, and critical coaching to fine-tune and enhance your team’s performance. Our mystery shopping expertise provides our clients with the skills to get the best use out of this cutting-edge video training tool. We train your management team to utilize film; this results in enhanced performance, and leads to improved customer experience scores in video mystery shopping reports.
The end result of the video mystery shopping and video training efforts of our team and yours?
Smoother operations and increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
When video mystery shopping enables your team to provide a gold standard of customer satisfaction, you can relax knowing that your business will continue to grow.
"Seeing is believing"