The group has a decade long experience of Investing in Equities. The financial services business was born out of a simple idea of channelising our experience & passion for investing, thus CREATING VALUE. This we hope will add sustainable value to life around us.
Our investing style is passive, Long term and devoid of hyper-activity that is usually associated with the stock markets. We believe in letting investments play out their potential.
At GMHR Financial, we like to work with “A CAUSE”, a cause of making people “CONTINUOUSLY SAVE” a portion of their income and invest, in order to meet their financial goals in life.
To change the approach from a transaction based selling by banks/agents to a more need based approach which meets a family’s Long term Financial goals.
Establish relationships for life and not acquaintances
Relationships that are Honest, Transparent, Stronger in tough times & always adding value for you.