GUTS is about discovery as queer people navigating through New York City. As the city with the highest concentration of LGBTQ-identifying residents (700,000+) and a vital and diverse array of resources and businesses, it can be overwhelming to know how to hone in on what to do, who to know, where to be, etc. (Not even accounting for visitors) GUTS is here to facilitate exactly that through navigation, discovery, content gathering, and publication.
GUTS NYC is an organism whose main function, like most organisms, is to procreate; an organism that includes all components of NYC’s queer culture. Primarily, that would consist of a few vital organs–the user (you), queer businesses/institutions, and the team behind GUTS NYC (us). In the way our bodies need a respiratory, circulatory, and a nervous system to survive, functionality is dependent on this relationship. GUTS NYC needs you (the user, the business owner) to play your part so that queer NYC is not merely existing but flourishing.
We like to think our job works like the circulatory or respiratory system in that we are mobilizing the life force (creativity and energy) throughout the greater organism so we, as a community, are functioning optimally and on all cylinders. If this sounds confusing, just think about how complex the human body is and how much we logistically take for granted because most of it operates automatically.
Through our app, website, and publication, we are re-engaging people with one another and the physical world that technology has, till now, typically wedged itself between people and these tactile engagements. GUTS NYC is also giving a platform to all New Yorkers who have something unique and authentic to express. We encourage engagement and collaboration in the fearless pursuit of distilling your most authentic self and fostering a culturally fertile New York City.