The business end...
The G-Rex Fitness dinosaur wears many different hats. First of all, we work with you to implement/encourage a better health and fitness provision within your company/organisation. Our largest contract to date is the University of Sheffield, we worked with, and still do operate hand-in-hand with human resources department to plan and deliver a multi-award winning health scheme that's not only sector leading but world leading!
We have recently branched out in to events management, with the Great Yorkshire Stairclimb being our launch event, raising much needed funds for the Yorkshire Cancer Centre based in Leeds. This is an event that we have been fortunate enough to repeat after it's huge success.
The human end...
We're highly motivated with the expectation to succeed. We have developed our trade and skills through many years experience within multiple large organisations, as well as Strength and Conditioning for Leeds Carnegie RFU.
Communication, organisation, and adaptability are strong within the company, giving us the ability to work effectively with all types of people.