GMI provides new and re-manufactured-to-specification analytical laboratory equipment and instrumentation service. Positioned as a full service company, GMI prides itself on its long-term relationships with its clients and its focus on quality, high technical standards and training on the complex instrumentation it provides.
In addition to sales and service, GMI also provides instrumentation asset management, liquidations, disposals, refurbishing and resale recovery for laboratories, biotech firms, hospitals and health maintenance organizations.
Medical Equipment Manufacturing
HQ Location
6511 Bunker Lake Blvd.
Ramsey, MN 55303, US
Re-manufacturing to specificationComplex instrumentation serviceAsset managementHigh technical standardsTraining on complex instrumentation
Analytical laboratory equipmentRe-manufactured-to-specification equipmentInstrumentation serviceInstrumentation asset managementLiquidationsDisposalsRefurbishingResale recovery
Analytical InstrumentatioClinical InstrumentatioBiotech InstrumentatioGeneral labware and partslaboratory InstrumentatioLaboratory EquipmentChromatographyCentrifugesLaboratory ServiceHPLC