Our linkedin page presents GF-ACCORD AI and is the right place for both AI enthusiasts and experts to connect and discuss all things AI.
Top Google USA position for “AI Global Business Consulting” for the website of our Geneva based start-up www.gf-accord.biz and the sur.ly cybersecurity, “brilliantly safe” award in 2022
Benefitting from over 40-years’ combined experience in the use of IT to replace human work
GF-ACCORD AI inherits the know-how of the original non-AI GF-ACCORD. Our AI replaces business analysts, marketers, strategists, financiers and representatives by software. Our products are the software modules which do a lot of the intermediate- advanced intellectual work and involve AI text processing. The employees are much less needed which is cost-efficient. The processes are accelerated and can be freely combined. Our software outputs can be tokenized and sold as NFTs
Team: Management: G. F., PhD (founder, ex CEO of Finance & Fintech consulting SME), C. B. (ex Fin. Director Nissan), N. M. (ex Division CFO Trafigura), J. S. (ex. CEO of Invensys, board member). AI Engineers: B. N. (ex Ericsson), A. B., PhD (Paris Saclay, national mathematics Olympiad), C. B. (ex CERN), O. R. (ex Apple), M. S. (ex Amazon)
“The global artificial intelligence market was valued at USD 65.48 billion in 2020, projected to reach USD 1,581.70 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 38.0% from 2021 to 2030”. Global value of IP trading in tech companies in general circa 1 trillion USD. 80% of value in Tech comes from intangible assets.
Based on research of similar Silicon Valley start-ups, past history, digital impact, IP assets and the current technical valuation trends, the projected value of GF-ACCORD AI in 4 years will between 135 and 360 million CHF