A little bit of imagination can help your business to soar to the heights you dream off and then some more…
One day, an idea spawned in the minds of two individuals to create something out of nothing. The idea sprung out of the vast cavern of possibilities with the aim of fulfilling a single purpose. That idea was Fuzicom and its purpose was to provide unique and specific creative solutions to all those who require them.
We aspire to do so by infusing technology with vibrant creativity and free flowing innovation. Here at Fuzicom, you will find no fear nor inhibition, no prejudice nor malignity, only the might of talent and relentless ingenuity. We can proudly boast of a staff of eccentric and talented designers who are always in their own private realm of creativity and imagination. They may not know how to lead their personal lives like normal beings but they sure as hell know about design and solving creative problems. If you’re looking for a creative solution for any web based problem you might have, give us a call and we’ll provide you with the means to solve them. Innovation and imagination never stops, here at Fuzicom. It simply grows. But enough of bragging about ourselves.
We do believe that it is time we put our foot where our mouth is ( or is it putting our mouth where our foot is, we get confused at this part all the time). Get in touch with us and see for yourself how it all happens.
HQ Location
Fuzicom Design Consultancy, Cerebrum IT Park, Marigold complex, Kalyani Nagar,
Pune, Maharashtra 14, IN
Web DesigiPhone & iPad App DesigUser Interface DesigWeb DevelopmentMobile Application DevelopmentSEO ServicesBranding & Print MediArchitectural Walk-ThroughsConsulting & Design Process Outsourcing