Fusion48 was founded in 2014 by Dr Dawn Moody, Dr Sunil Angris and David Seymour; bringing together extensive clinical, leadership, management, operational and analytical knowledge, skills and experience. In addition to service reviews and consultancy-based projects, we have developed a nationally recognised frailty training programme, including our innovative Frailty Fulcrum animation and FrailtySIM VR experience.
Our distinctive expertise and experience in older people’s care has led to the development of a ‘whole system approach to frailty’; designed to support local health systems to develop a multi-professional, multi-agency methodology to delivering improved care for people with frailty.
The principles underpinning our model of care are:
• Person-centred
• Holistic
• Enabling and proactive
• Integrated
• Home first
The four components of our approach are:
• Supporting local systems to align services, structures and processes to promote and enable person-centred care. Our 'think frailty' model enables this work by addressing key stages in the identification and management of frailty across the system.
• Frailty Champions: We deliver a unique programme to develop and support multi-professional, multi-agency cohorts of Frailty Champions, enabling them to become empowered, motivated and capable of role-modelling great care and building frailty awareness across the system.
• Frailty core capabilities: We provide training to enable staff to develop frailty core capabilities, including the use of our immersive Virtual Reality experience to build empathy, understanding and observational skills, and changing the way staff think about frailty.
• Population wide awareness and understanding of frailty. We recognise the importance of individuals, families, carers and communities, alongside health and care professionals, in supporting the health and well being of people with frailty, and therefore work to build wider awareness and understanding of the condition.