Fusion wants to change the accounting paradigm by providing professional services following leading practices for businesses. Many of our competitors limit their accounting work to tax preparation like work delivered well after you have had to make decisions and after the story of what has occurred has gone cold. Fusion helps your company keep your information technology simple and efficient, design a reporting scheme and processes that leverage your technology and personnel investment, and design and scope services to provide timely, relevant and accurate management decision support, financial reporting and tax compliance for scaling small- and medium-sized businesses.
When Fusion does its job right, your company will eventually outgrow the need for our experts because you will be set up for success.
If your company is in need of a partner that can help set up and run your back office, accounting and information function efficiently and effectively with leading practices, then email or call Manning at mmanning@consultingfusion.com or (312) 748-2424.."