Fundamental Photographs - The Art of Science
For publishers, educators, and researchers in need of hard-to-find science photos, Fundamental Photographs is a custom photography studio that provides extraordinary visual solutions for difficult chemistry and physics concepts. We offer a specialized stock library of over 40,000 fully-captioned images, with detailed information on our subjects. We distinguish our work by shooting the most engaging images available, procuring hazardous materials at a moment’s notice and delivering outstanding work in limited time.
Visit to search our collection or send us an email at for custom requests and pricing.
HQ Location
210 Forsyth St
New York, NY 10002, US
Custom photography for science conceptsHandling hazardous materialsTimely delivery of photography projects
Custom photography servicesSpecialized stock libraryHard-to-find science photos
Custom photographs are shot in the studio and on location for science textbooks and corporate clients. Our photographers use specialized techniques including stroboscopic sequencesmotion blursother special effects