FRUCOM is officially recognised by the European Institutions as the representative body of European traders in dried fruit & nuts, processed seafood, and processed fruit & vegetables.
Mission & Objectives
FRUCOM represents and defends the interests of trade in Dried Fruit, Edible nuts, Processed fish and Processed fruit & vegetables in Europe and beyond. Through effective communication and proactively engaging with relevant policymakers in the EU institutions, FRUCOM seeks to facilitate the trade of safe and quality products and ensure that its members are fully informed of the legal requirements.
FRUCOM contributes to the visibility of the sector and to a favourable trading environment, and acts as the central network for members to interact amongst themselves and with wider constituencies.
FRUCOM stands for FRUits, COnserves (cans), Miel (honey). Today, the association has evolved to representing mainly the trade in Dried Fruit & Nuts, Processed Seafood, and Processed Fruit & Vegetables. Although the focus differs for each product, the main issues that are relevant to FRUCOM work are related to Trade, Food Safety and Customs issues.