Fraendi: Kinship | Companionship | Partnership
Fraendi is an international consultancy comprising a group of individuals with diverse yet complementary backgrounds leading the Cognitive Leadership Development sphere. We bring together a wealth of expertise and experience from a wide range of organizational and societal perspectives into one single vision: to partner with leaders and senior teams across organisations and society to develop cognitive capacities for navigating complexity and transformation.
As a leader, you are faced with a multitude of challenges and an ever more complex world around you. Through a unique process: the Cognitive Development Assessment; we are able to accurately gauge the leaders’ own and their employees’ current and future capabilities. Cognitive capability is not only measurable, but you can also actively train yourself to use a broader variety of dialectical moments or thought forms.
Only by using all aspects of thinking, do leaders have the capacity to sustain existing systems while building on or generating the new. Fundamental as we transition our lives and work to a society more in alignment with our nature and emerging contexts.