Friendzone is a community building company that fosters authentic connections through meaningful conversation.
We work to with organisations to animate communities by uncovering the passions, stories, resources and skills of each individual and connecting them to each other.
We customise well-received programmes for social and corporate organisations, educational institutions and neighbourhood-based committees. Testament to our experience in community building, we continue to foster local neighbourhood communities in Singapore. Since our inception, we’ve hosted events in ALL neighbourhoods across the island to facilitate the forming of new friendships and the sharing of experiences and resources. Our work has been featured on ST, CNA, The New Paper, Lianhe Zaobao, and more.
Engage us to strengthen your community, foster team-building, facilitate meaningful networking events, or host thematic dialogues!
Check out our upcoming events at
Reach out to us at if you'd like us to customise an internal or external networking or community building experience for you!