FrandAvenue is a one-stop platform where you can:
*Search for patents data, including Standard Essential Patent (SEPs) data
*Buy claim charts
*Manage your patents
*Benefit from data analytics tools
*Negotiate your licensing agreements, including your FRAND licenses
Our Services:
*Patent-related data search 🌐
*Claim charts marketplace 🛍
*Analytics Room 📊
*Management Tools 🛠
*Negotiation Room 🤝
Key Benefits:
*Time-saving ⏰
*Cost-Saving 💰
*Compliance ✅
*Efficiency ⚙️
Who is behind FrandAvenue?
FrandAvenue is an innovative company devised by lawyers and engineers with decades-long practice in the patent licensing and litigation environment, including Standard Essential Patents.
Their experience of the struggles faced by licensors and licensees led them to imagine an interactive platform where all market players can safely address the challenges they face in reaching licensing agreements.
FrandAvenue’s team is present in France, Singapore, and India. It is comprised of experienced lawyers, business leaders, patent experts, and software developers.