Fourth Street Clinic was founded in 1988 as a triage clinic staffed with one part-time nurse who relied heavily on hospitals for patient treatments. Today, with a staff of over 60 and a volunteer network of more than 150, Fourth Street Clinic is a federally qualified community health center serving over 5,000 homeless men, women and children each year with 28,000 total medical, mental health, substance abuse, dental, and case management visits. The ALSAM Foundation Pharmacy at Fourth Street Clinic dispenses 70,000 medications annually.
By increasing homeless Utahns' access to primary care, Fourth Street Clinic is a major partner in ending homelessness, promoting community health, and achieving across-the-board health care savings.
In 2019, Fourth Street Clinic introduced Mobile Health Care, a mobile clinic serving homeless men, women and families scattered throughout the Salt Lake Valley. This new program will give clients staying at the new homeless resource centers regular access to a doctor where they're at, improving their chances of escaping the spiral of homelessness.