Football Benchmark is a data and analytics platform, which provides a wealth of financial, operational, commercial, valuation and social media performance data about the business of football.
Our platform is the perfect tool to assist the decision-making process of industry stakeholders, including clubs, leagues, governing bodies, investors, and other organizations.
The purpose-built digital data and analytics platform covers three main pillars of information:
- Business performance of over 300 European and South American football clubs;
- Market value estimates for over 10,000 players from over 450 major clubs from Europe, America and the Middle East;
- and social media performance of more than 2,000 football, other sports and non-sport accounts.
To gain access to these tools or other data and services, please get in contact with us to discuss your requirements.
Our account contains content created before April 2022, while as of 1 April 2022, Football Benchmark operates as an independent entity. Football Benchmark is managed by Ace Advisory, the sport and leisure business consultancy.