Train students in all Motorsport disciplines so they are able to exploit opportunities in this continually expanding industrial sector. The Minor Motorsport Engineering maintains close links with the motorsport development industry, raceteams and other motorsport related organisations and is a preferred source of Dutch raceteams in data acquisition.
We have successful graduates working in all levels of Motorsports, including Formula One development, BTCC, VLN, TCR, WTCC, DSC, Dakar Truck Development, Mazda MX5-cup, etc.
In 2013 Erik Groenendijk de Laat created and developed the Minor Motorsport Engineering for Fontys Automotive as an alternative minor for tech students to experience development and strategy work in competitive environments instead of the university surroundings.
In cooperation with main players in motorsports this concept has expanded over the last few years into such a succes that it has grown in amount of students attending and collaborating companies over 400% and we keep on growing with an new English taught version that starts every September.