Established by ASCI Don Guanella, FoGS is a Foundation that aims to carry out and / or finance solidarity activities and projects that put "the other" at the center, with particular attention to those who are in a state of serious marginalization in the countries where the Congregation of the Servants of Charity and ASCI Don Guanella OdV operate.
The Foundation intervenes directly, or in collaboration with other bodies, in Italy and abroad to:
1. Promote solidarity activities and projects with particular reference to the countries in which the Guanellian congregations operate.
2. Privilege education and training as a form of prevention of discomfort by encouraging participation in social life and the acquisition of skills and abilities.
3. Promote and organize the collection and use of resources in favor of those in a state of economic and social hardship.
To achieve these goals, the Foundation carries out awareness-raising activities and involvement of institutions, economic organizations, bodies, trade associations, entrepreneurs and universities.