Folia Water has created the world's first consumer goods water filter: Folia Filters™. Our global vision is to reach the 1.8 billion people who consume microbiologically contaminated drinking water.
Folia’s patented antimicrobial paper is the world's first-ever FMCG category water purifier with grocery store pricing and creating a new $1B consumer goods to be sold as a mass market grocery staples products like Soap, Shampoo, Beverages and Snacks.
Lack of clean water is catastrophic for public health: diarrheal illnesses kill more than 500,000 children a year. Folia’s mission is to ensure access to clean drinking water to 500+million low income population in South Asia by 2031.
Folia Filters™ kill waterborne pathogens at a price that is affordable to even those who make $2-10/day. Our filter papers are designed to fit into a regular plastic funnel that allows users to walk away and leave a 1-5 litre bottle of dirty water to drain through a Folia Filter into any household water container including a soda bottle.