Foenix Coding

Machinery Manufacturing · 2 Employees
Phone Number: 00441932701449
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WHO WE ARE Foenix Coding is a leading manufacturer and global supplier of the latest ink jet printers to the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, industrial and electronics industries for in line product coding, marking, (printing) and identification. For more than 8 years Foenix has built a world wide reputation for quality and creativity, combined with cost effectiveness and low maintenance in the design of our printers. THE COMPANY Foenix Coding is known for its industrial inkjet printers specialising in the design and manufacture of maintenance free inkjet systems. For a UK manufacturer to win globally we have to do a lot more than just offer a competitive product. Foenix clever design has resulted in a radical reduction of components inside its printers. This approach has led to a reduction in manufacturing costs as well as an increase in printer reliability, making Foenix an inspiring worldwide player. THE MARKET Foenix printers offer cost saving solutions across both the coding of primary and secondary packaging. This includes Label replacement and alternatives for TIJ (Thermal Ink Jet) and CIJ (Continuous Ink Jet). Our printers are different because they use the latest technology available. Therefore Foenix printers can be offered as an alternative solution. At the same time they fit easily into any product range of coding and marking solutions.
Year Founded
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Machinery Manufacturing
HQ Location
Hilltop Farm - The Barns Lyne lane, Lyne Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0AW, GB
CodingmarkingtraceabilityContact codersHigh resolution ink jet printersXaar headsGenuine inksTelephone supportFX ONEFX ONE STANDARD
  • Hilltop Farm - The Barns Lyne lane, Lyne Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0AW, GB

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