Focusnetworks is a Digital Business Group, that creates synergy between Marketing and Technology, to help clients leverage their business to the next level using digital medium.
Through its business units - Interactive, MídiaNext, mLabs and hyperCLASS - Focusnetworks presents complete solutions as Project Development (such as systems, applications, portals and websites), Digital Strategic Planning, Web Projects, Digital Marketing, Apps for Social Networking , Mobile Apps, Social Media, Media Automation, Measurement, Innovation in Online Media: solutions with effective results.
All business units attend some clients like Embraer, Lindt Chocolate, Tequila Jose Cuervo, DKT International, Wow Nutrition, Aurora Fine Brands, and other great national and international clients.
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
Avenida Cassiano Ricardo, 401
São José dos Campos, São Paulo 12246870, BR
information architecturesocial mediadigital usabilitye-businessinteractive strategyemergent mediaweb project managementsocial appsdigital marketingmobile apps