Florida Mitigation Services' (FMS) specializes in disaster recovery, with a wide range of capabilities including water, fire, and smoke remediation. We help our customers through the entire insurance process. Florida Mitigation Services has a grasp understanding of the Insurance Industry, Insurance Policies are contracts of indemnification which have agreements similar to any other contract.
Enjoy a few simple insurance definitions and examples.
Insurer - Your Insurance Provider. (Ashley's Insurer is XYZ Insurance Company)
Insured - Policy Holder. (Ashley is the first named Insured on the XYZ Insurance Policy for the home located at 111 Hollow Ln Decatur,Ga 11111)
Indemnified - To be brought whole again. (After my home flooded the insurance company indemnified me for my
loss and now my home is as good as new)
Peril - Cause of loss ( A tree fell onto a house and damaged the roof, the TREE is the peril.
Secondary Damages - Damages which occur after the primary cause of loss.
Insured (policy holder)
1. Policy Holders have a responsibility to notify their insurer.
2. Policy Holder have the right to chose any restoration contractor to assist in the repairs.
3. Pay Your Deductible.
4. Policy Holders have a responsibility to protect their property from enduring secondary damages.
5. Policy Holders promise to act in good faith with honesty of any claims filed.
6. (Policy Holders will not be out of pocket anymore than their deductible as long as the peril is covered and they sustain the proper insurance coverages at the time the loss occurs.)
7. In many cases the insurance company will require a statement of your knowledge of the loss.
Insurer (company)
1. The Insurance Company promises to uphold and Indemnify all costs excluding your deductible as long as you hold proper coverages at the time the loss occurs.
HQ Location
837 Sunshine Ln
Altamonte Springs, Fl 32714, US
Disaster recoveryWater damage restorationFire damage restorationSmoke damage restorationInsurance claim management
Disaster recovery servicesWater remediationFire remediationSmoke remediationInsurance process assistance
Immediate ResponseWater ExtractioSmoke RemediatioFire RestoratioContent RestoratioContent StorageTextilesWater Mitigatio