Florida Consulting LLC is an architectural firm specializing in commercial roofing, waterproofing and exterior wall assemblies in Pittsburgh PA. Rich Florida has over 25 years experience in the roofing industry, including 15 years as a roofing consultant. Kris Kennedy is a licensed architect, registered roof consultant and certified construction specifier with over 15 years experience.
As an independent company, we provide unbiased professional roofing, waterproofing and exterior wall assembly advice. We specify the appropriate products for your project and help you protect and enhance your investment.
We're a licensed architectural firm in Pennsylvania.
Kris Kennedy is the only RRC (that we know of) in Southwestern Pennsylvania. According to RCI: "Registered Roof Consultants (RRCs) are consultants with distinction among their peers. They have proved themselves ethically sound and professionally adept through written exam, character reference, and documented experience."
We're a Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) certified by Unified Certification Program and by Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).