All the videos that you watch on your favorite platforms are stored and distributed using very expensive centralized servers, messing up and increasing the price of the content. On the actual models the options are paying for a subscription to watch a lot of media you may not be interested in, to spend a ridiculous amount of money on the videos that you really love, or to watch advertisement in exchange for content, which leaves producers with almost no return on their investment.
On Flixxo all users share any content they have on their device with the rest of the community. So, instead of an expensive centralized server, the information is distributed and shared through the network using Bittorrent protocol. Have you ever used Popcorn Time? This works in the same way.
Free from structural costs, producers can share the earnings from their content with the network that supports them. This way you get paid for helping us improve Flixxo, and you earn credits (in the form of digital tokens called Flixx) for watching higher quality content. Having no intermediaries means that the price you pay for watching the content that you actually want to watch is lower and fairer!