Fischer & Partners Co., Ltd. specializes in Human Resources Services with 11 employees
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About Fischer & Partners Co., Ltd.
Have you had trouble finding suitable candidates for jobs? Have you wasted time going through resume after resume and interview after interview just to find out that none of the candidates you have interviewed so far actually met your requirements? You are not alone.
Due to an increasing demand for and a limited supply of experienced staff, recruiting has in fact become a major headache for many companies today. With this in mind we would like to introduce ourselves and show how we can help you.
We, at Fischer & Partners, are experienced recruiters and specialize in providing candidates especially selected to meet the requirements of your company and the job in question. In fact, we interview candidates ourselves and thereafter offer you the chance to interview the by us pre-selected candidates. This guarantees that our pre-selected candidates will meet your expectations and allows you to spend your valuable time on other productive matters.
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