We have concluded our services for this church year. Please join us when we gather again this fall. Our next worship service will be our "Homecoming" service on September 8. Everyone is welcome! Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here. Join us at 10:30 Sunday mornings. Welcome to First Parish, a liberal spiritual community affirming and celebrating the worth and dignity of all people. Together we seek to create a more just, compassionate, and peaceful world through weekly worship, educational programming, community building, and opportunities to engage in social action. Members of First Parish come from all walks of life and from many different religious traditions. We are a multi-generational community that enjoys sharing our varied opinions on spirituality, politics, ethics, events of the day, and our individual journeys. We hope you will find the spiritual sustenance and sense of belonging you seek within our faith community. If you have questions about First Parish, about Unitarian Universalism, or simply would like to talk, our minister, the Rev. Marc Fredette, would be happy to speak with you in person or on the phone. He can be reached at 781-899-0174 or fpwminister@gmail.com. First Parish is our spiritual home. We hope it can become your home too! Coffee hour follows worship each week Sunday morning childcare is available ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________